When it comes to sales if your focus is on you earning profits and not your customers earning profits (or receiving value), it is just a matter of time before you losing sales.
The most effective way to growing sales is to reward your existing customers first, before giving away more value to incentivise new business. Your existing customers are watching closely.
To achieve customer satisfaction is to deliver on your promises.
The opposite of not delivering on your promises, is cynicism.
The over confidence that comes with achieving early sales success can be a weakness, because you think you can control your future.
The reality is that the salesperson’s confidence in themself, is not as important, as the customers confidence in them.
Sales need to be continuously adding value to their customer relationships, one customer at a time.
If you adopt an attitude of humility and gratitude when dealing with your customers, you will be sincerely open to learning, what’s important to them, and be able to adapt your value proposition as you go.
Now you less likely to be surprised about your sales future.
There are no such thing as marketing experts, the market are the experts. Write a good or bad advert, they will respond accordingly.
Manage your marketing carefully, because if you don’t, you become ineffective and expensive noise.
When you over confident about your ability, you less likely to appreciate your existing customers and reward their loyalty.
The consequences over time, are you work harder for less.
If your sales team are underperforming check that their ego, pride and over confidence is not getting in the way of your business goals.
The reality is if you don’t deal with it early, it only gets worse, as time goes by for your business.